United Nations Peacekeeping Operations:
An Introduction

The target aundience for this course is: all personnel of UN peacekeeping missions including international and national civilian staff, United Nations Volunteers, Military and UN Police.

APT - Youth Volunteer

This course aims to enhance your awareness about the behavioural standards that you need to demonstrate as a UN volunteer everyday. The goal of this training is to reinforce ethical principles and standards of behaviour for all UN volunteers.

United Nations Course on prevention of Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Abuse of Authority

This online training programme on the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse is mandatory for all UN personnel, including UN Volunteers. Developed in collaboration with the United Nations Development Group, this mandatory learning programme is designed to raise awareness of the Organization’s zero tolerance of workplace harassment, sexual harassment and abuse of authority and is intended to strengthen understanding of the standards of conduct, with a special focus on sexual exploitation and abuse. 

Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by UN Personnel Funds and Programmes Edition

The Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) e-learning course is mandatory for all UN Funds and Programmes Personnel including volunteers and contractors, whether at Headquarters or at other duty stations. This e-learning course is composed of a set of lessons designed to raise your awareness about Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, become familiar with a range of measures to combat Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, understand what the impact of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse on victims is and the consequences for UN Personnel who commit Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.

Curso electrónico – VNU y Voluntariado

¿Acabas de ser seleccionado para tu primera asignación como Voluntario de la ONU?¿O simplemente te preguntas qué son el voluntariado y el programa VNU? En este curso aprenderás a entender las múltiples facetas de la palabra “voluntariado”, la forma en que puede contribuir a hacer un mundo mejor y el tipo de impactos que puedes generar como voluntario.

Curso electrónico - Ética e integridad como Voluntario de la ONU

El objetivo de este curso es mejorar tu conocimiento acerca de las normas de conducta que debes seguir a diario como Voluntarios ONU, así como fortalecer los principios éticos y las normas de conducta para todos los Voluntarios ONU.

Curso electrónico – Conciencia cultural y trabajo en entornos multiculturales

Este curso busca expandir la sensibilidad cultural de los Voluntarios de la ONU, así como ayudar a construir un entendimiento entre culturas. También provee una visión de conjunto de las dinámicas de trabajo en entornos multiculturales.


BSAFE is the new online security awareness training.

It is mandatory for ALL UN personnel: staff, interns, consultants.

It is highly recommended for dependants.

Greening the Blue

Becoming more sustainable is the challenge facing all organizations, businesses and individuals around the world. Greening the Blue is the UN's response, and provides information on how the UN is greening its activities, what's been achieved so far, and how all UN personnel can contribute to the effort. We can all be part of creating a more sustainable UN, simply by making small changes in our day-to-day work. Find out more about ‘Greening the Blue’ in this online course.

Última modificación: jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020, 09:57