Cours en ligne – Accueillir un Volontaire ONU 

 L’objectif de ce cours est d’informer et inspirer les directeurs, tels que vous, qui engagent les Volontaires ONU dans leurs programmes, projets et opérations sur le terrain pour mieux atteindre les objectifs de Paix et de Développement. Ce cours vous informe aussi sur comment accueillir efficacement des Volontaires ONU.

Capacity Development Learning Facility (CDLF)

UNV promotes capacity development and learning for UN Volunteers as one of the key elements of strengthening the volunteer experience and facilitating the impact of volunteer assignments. Sharing of experience, knowledge and continuous learning of volunteers are part of high quality volunteer management and at the same time contributes to building capacity in host agencies.

The Capacity Development and Learning Facility (CDLF) provides Field Units with the means to plan, host and delivery capacity development and learning events or other innovative learning initiatives.  It is a unique opportunity to actively advance the professional development, engagement and impact of UN Volunteers in the country of assignment.

Online learning series: Webinar on Learning and Capacity Development opportunities for UN Volunteers

UNV promotes capacity development and learning for UN Volunteers as one of the key elements of strengthening the volunteer experience and facilitating the impact of volunteer assignments. As part of the online learning series 2018, we have recorded a webinar on learning opportunities available to all volunteers and how to access them. Check it  here:

Modifié le: mardi 17 décembre 2019, 11:43